I Have MedicineCh92 - Recruitment


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  1. Big brother and guard do all the preparation and Gu Zuo just need to refine…

    Is these pharmacists going to long time companion..?? I mean if both of them move then they will include

    Or just left to open business in this place or in there different places??

    Thanks for the chapter

  2. Really looking forward to seeing what kind of pharmacists they can draw in 😀

    Thanks for the chapter~~

  3. I see that MC didn’t care this time that his big brother is spending money like water again. =P

    Translation notes:

    they had different forms / 身上有异象 –> their bodies showed strange effects

    A pharmacist adept at refining pills can tell at a glance whether the cultivation method is profound or not, if it has different forms, as well as the cultivation method’s attributes. –> A pharmacists ability first looks at if their cultivation method is profound, if it causes effects, if it aligns to their element. (The format of this sentence and the later one is basically, “first…blah…, then secondly…blah.”)

    Feeling mocked, Gu Zuo said: –> GZ also smiled in embarrasment:

    This definitely didn’t cover the Fengyun Chamber of Commerce’s expenses –> The Fengyun Chamber of Commerce did not take a cut of these fees

    Because basically everything that was even a little important was placed in this region –> was placed with himstuffed it all into a region customized for Tianheng’s use –> into a section reserved for Tianheng’s use

    A fire controlling seal one could use by themselves. –> A single seal just for controlling fire. (Ie. it’s a single part of a set of seals.)

    • Ugh, formatting…

      Because basically everything that was even a little important was placed in this region –> was placed with him (ie. everything important is in GZ’s storage)

      stuffed it all into a region customized for Tianheng’s use –> into a section reserved for Tianheng’s use

  4. gone fishing…


  5. why recruit pharmacists? MC is enough 😣 i wonder what they are for?

    • I’ve thought since the beginning Gu Zuo would eventually need to find disciples. Though its happening much sooner than expected and not nearly as grand

      • When I first read the chapter, in the middle of it there are a few pharagraph that looks like a mixing of word that appear just like when you download the chapter. So I try to refresh it. After I refresh it over and over for a few time, it looks like it already fix itself. I don’t know what happen, but there is no more problem with this chapter.

        I’m sorry if I disturbing you.

  6. I hope they meet good people to recruit finger crossed

    Imagine having Gu Zuo and Tianheng built a sect together (in the future ofc). That would be great! (。>∀<。)