I Have MedicineCh93 - Application Requirements


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Translator's Note

风生水起 – Feng sheng shui qi, a wind that blows across the water’s surface will generate waves; to flourish or prosper.

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  1. Can I order that Anti-aging pill, please ? Better start now than later 😂

    Thank you for the chapter!

  2. “from relying only on smell” might be better as “from relying exclusively on smell” or something

  3. I really liked the feeling of this chapter.


  4. Thanks for the chapter! I’ll want to note for the business savvy that the “salary” here isn’t gold, but raw ingredients and recipes. It’s an interesting look at how the profession works.

    Translation suggestions:

    but they had yet to check its effectiveness –> They had yet to offer their services

    As the other person said, it was a complete set of pill refining hand seals… –> As the other said, they had the rest of the complete set…

    It was merely that they didn’t count on the extra medicinal pills had to be handed over. –> Just handing over the extra pills, it really wasn’t too much to ask.