I Have MedicineCh67 - Sneaky


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  1. I loved this novel 💕💕

    Thanks for the chapter 🤗

  2. Heh, poor GZ seems to have never taken ancient history class. Like how Earth's continents all originally used to be one landmass, Pangaea. Granted, the continents here didn't separate due to natural forces, but they wouldn't know that yet.

    Translation Notes:

    Of course, it was normally impossible to actively court a second class country with a conceited identity. –> Of course, with a second class country's conceited identity, they wouldn't normally take the initiative in diplomatic outreach.

    Gu Zuo nodded since he couldn’t research the subject. –> GZ nodded subtly. (微不可查 = nearly undetected)

    "One needed to know that in the world he resided in, the most humans could live to was just one hundred eighty years." –> "One needed to know that in the world he currently resided, the most that mortal humans could live to was 80 to 100 years." (百八十 in this case is not a typo of 一百八十 but referring to a number range.)

    "Altogether it looked to be just over twenty square feet" –> "square meters" (20 sq ft is the size of a room, not a building)

    The manager’s eyes were fierce. –> I'd suggest "shrewd" or "sharp" instead of "fierce".

  3. Mindmeld…Mindmeld…Quickly fall in love ba! (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. I wonder if Qingyun Sect has several of their members born with Tiandu bodies and Pharmacists of Zuo’s calliber which is why Immortal Realm is not a big deal?

    Maybe that’s where System got the recipes from?