I Have MedicineCh66 - The Immortal Realm


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Translator's Note

One 里 is about 500 meters. 十万里 is 50,000,000 meters.

Translator's Note

暗度陈仓 – An du chen cang, secretly crossing the Wei River at Chencang. To feign one thing while doing another.

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  1. thanks for the update🙏🙏🙏👍👍😊😊😊

  2. Thanks for the chapter!

    Some napkin math: The eagle covers 50k km per day, which is longer than the circumference of Earth (~40k km). Then they flew for about 8 days and 4 half-days, so about 500k km. That's most of a round trip to the moon (~385k km distance from Earth). Geographically, the flight was over continuous land, no endless seas or void, and the Tianwu "world" is contained by a barrier.

    Anyhooo, translation notes:

    "Gu Zuo looked all around and could sense that practically every single one of those martial artists were unlike the below average Helian Xingcheng and the others." –> "…every single one of those fighters were not any less capable than the likes of HLXC."

    "His gaze swept across, and his qi energy retracted." –> "…and he withdrewn his qi inwards." (Basically, GYTH is hiding his strength from casual observers.)

    "Tianheng’s voice was promptly transmitted: Wait for me to come back, Ah Zuo." –> "I'll tell you later, Ah Zuo."

  3. Actually, ignore that second one… the existing line is fine.

  4. Ooooo. My mind turned into a dirty swamp the moment they uncovered their telepathic secret! (๑>ᴗ<๑) I hope it’s incorporated into their papapa. (^་།^)

    Hng…Thanks for the chapter~

  5. There’s an error with the last footnote. I think the footnote was formatted incorrectly.

    Thanks for the chapter!