I Have MedicineCh65 - Princess Yaomin


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Translator's Note

偷鸡不成蚀把米 – Tou ji bu cheng shi ba mi, trying to gain an advantage only to end up worse off.

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  1. Don't worry GZ, no one will replace you in your dearest hubby's heart. Or the position of his "wife". =P

    Translation notes:

    As for the number one Clan in furtive activities –> As for what has tacitly become the number one Clan

    However, if the aristocratic family’s child was truly outstanding, the couple would be harmonious. As a matter of fact, it definitely wasn’t impossible that they couldn’t be connected by marriage. –> However, if the young master was outstanding, and there was emotion between them and the princess, then it wasn't impossible to have a marriage alliance.

    he good points of the other four Clans’ young masters were dwindling. For instance, the sort like Helian Xingcheng was no good. His eyeballs were practically falling out over Princess Yaomin’s body. –> As for the other four young masters, the good ones were showing restraint. Others like HLXC practically had his eyeballs falling out out over Princess Yaomin’s body.

    This eagle beast was to be the flying tool that would bear the weight of these numerous martial artists. –> I'd suggest "flying transport" or just "transport" instead of "flying tool".

  2. my cat senses tell me this is the perfect instance for something to go wrong

  3. MC is so cute with his worries about his little life! :joy: Thanks for the chapter!

  4. Well what can he do Ah Zhou only has eyes for gege. No other beauty comes close!

  5. Maybe the romance will begin now albeit a bit slowly. There has to be some drama in this tournament. Let’s see.

  6. Oh my.

    Really? Devoted to the martial way? I would like to see how you would react to someone flirting with Zuo and making him blush.

  7. no worries Gu Zuo coz for the wife position it is only reserved for… you ah!! hahahahaha thank u for the chapter~

  8. I choose to believe (don’t care if I am right or wishful thinking) that Gu Zuo is subconsciously jealous. Caring about Gongyi Tianheng’s marriage is less about his secret and more about his position in the MLs life.