I Have MedicineCh342 - Qi Xuanao


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  1. Thank you for the chapter!

    My delight at Tianheng instantly agreeing but having to, as always, put on a show— it’s not impulsivity, it’s knowing a treasure’s worth!… nevermind what might be guarding that treasure, ah~

  2. Our protagonists’ luck factor strikes again! Another dungeon raid incoming…

    Translation notes:

    As far as the iron-ranked organizations were concerned, the Ascendant Realm powerhouses wouldn’t have suffered any losses out of the water –> As far as the iron-ranked orgs were concerned, their Ascendant realms could not be risked…

    Thus, under the eager guidance of the Luoxiao City Lord, the prodigies selected the largest tavern in the city and checked in. –> The prodigies each selected one of the largest taverns in the city and chartered it. (Ie. each prodigy checked out a different inn for their parties)