I Have MedicineCh185 - Gu Zuo’s Pill Battle


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  1. Thank you for speedy update!! 💕

    Gu Zuo and Xu Lingxiu become more like real friend!

    Also, “What does everything think about … ” should be “What does everyone think about …”

  2. Well well well, looks like the battle isn’t quite over yet 🤩. I wonder if Gu Zuo will be asked to face off again for the tiebreaker, or if Xu Lingxiu will step up to the plate again…

    Thanks so much for the chapter! This is quite a pace you’re hitting rn 😂

  3. It’s great to see he can show off while still having others underestimate him as Xu Lingxiu’s buddy and not an OP pharmacist in his own right, while the guy in question is the only one to feel the full effects of Cool Gu Zuo.

  4. GZ is just starting to strut his stuff and the effects are even better than he could have predicted. Tiebreaker round!!

    Translation notes:

    It was only because he was familiar with Gu Zuo when the guy was in the middle of using it… –> Because GZ wielded it (the hand seals) with no less familiarity (or practice) than himself.

  5. This book is so refreshing! If it followed the normal course of things the way XL and GZ first met would have made them enemies and just now when GZ won the pill battle of XL was a typical jealous young master he would be plotting GZ death. Instead they become friends

  6. (゚ー゚) (゚ー゚)/ (/゚ー゚)/

    GZ: Copy paste, no one will notice…

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  7. Wow or baby Zuo is so mighty (°0°)/ thank you for the update~ very much appreciated😘😘

  8. Thank god this didn’t affect the friendship between the two!

    Thank you so much for the chapter!(๑´>᎑<)~❤

  9. His control over the grade of the pills he’s refining is amazing. I remember that GYTH once said that it’s basically impossible for other pharmacists 😀