I Have MedicineCh181 - Leaving for the Pill Battling Assembly


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Translator's Note

米虫 – Mi chong, a euphemism for a parasite or moocher.

Translator's Note

金手指 – Jin shou zhi, a powerful, cheat-like plot device that makes the protagonist special.

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  1. Boi all these people looking down on Gu Zou just you wait!!😂😊 Also what’s up with the assassins jeez….

    Thank you for the chapter!!~💜

  2. Somebody has the guts (a lot of guts) to attack the members of the Qingyun Sect…

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌸

  3. He’s just going around thowing smoke pills everywhere, it’s just … awesome!!! I also wanna do that!!!

  4. Ah Zuo: Seeing enemies down, decide to throw more dir- I mean, Trick Pills 🙂

  5. I like the idea of a toasty dragon one.

    and you know what they say. some space/parting begets longing

  6. I really like the story when the MC isn’t with the ML. I kind of agree with XL, MC completely acts like the ML’s pet and refuses to do anything without asking the ML first. When the ML isn’t with him it actually feels like the MC has a personality.

    • Eh, he’s just lazy. I know I wouldn’t do anything substantial if I had a backer like that. I sit around doing whatever I wanted all day (hobbies, which in this case is pill refining bc he actually enjoys it) and nothing at all. It’s realistic, honestly.

      • Maybe but most of the time when he’s around the ML he’s just praising him a majority of the time. Besides he doesn’t have to have arguments or conflicts, I just think it would be better if he expressed his opinion more rather than just be let to an answer by the Male Lead. As for realistic, most people have more interests than their profession and one person they have an ambiguous relationship with.

    • I do think it’s fun to read about Ah Zuo being by himself and taking care of things, but I have absolutely no problem with him just happily making pills and having fun with his dear big brother. After all, it’s not like Ah Zuo wants to be a hero or anything, he just wants to live, make pills, be harmonious with Tiangheng and eventually go back to his dad. And I think he’s very amazing when making pills too.

      Also, I very much disagree with your statement of Ah Zuo having no personality when he’s together with Tiangheng. Yes, he depends on Tiangheng for protection and security, and that includes asking for advice before making certain decisions, because he understands that he’s not as smart as Tiangheng nor as used to the dangers of that world.

  7. Gu Zuo and Xu Lingyu~~~ they’re so cute~~~~ also that assistant pharmacist contemplating their relationship and XLY complaining to GZ hahaha

    As much as I like it when Tianheng and Gu Zuo are messing around and either being cool or playing, I really like the alchemy portions of this story!

  8. I can understand how GZ might not have been able to sleep while on a flying beast’s back. :p

    Translation notes:

    Big brother is prepared to string up Lu Jiusi, right? –> Big brother is preparing to draw out LJS?

    Xu Lingxiu rarely deigned to lower himself. Yet, unexpectedly, he was waiting outside the valley.–> XLX rarely deigned to lower himself, actually waiting outside the valley.

  9. Ah, always holding back. His heart was already old and weary…

    This line is weirdly hilarious to me lol 😂

    Annnd it looks like things are going to heat up even before we get to the scene of Gu Zuo showing off with a fancy flourish. I wonder what’s up with the assassins…

    Thanks for the chapter (/^▽^)/~~*

  10. Yeeeesh we can finally see our Ah Zuo showing off! ! ! Also, wtf with this random attack against the sect, can’t wait to see how they deal with it O.O

    Thanks for the chapter!

  11. Could it be that people wanted to kill our Little Purple Prince so he couldn’t participate in the competition?

    I can’t wait for Ah Zuo to show off! Slap the faces of everyone who looked down on you~!

    Thanks for the chapter ~🌸

  12. its been a hard couple of weeks for me, but everytime there’s an update it makes my day a little happier and i find breaks in my schedule to read this. tnx a lot for the translation <3

  13. Finally Ah zuo gets to show off! Looking forward to their dumbstruck expressions.

    Thank you so much for the chapter!