I Have MedicineCh169 - Pent-Up, Unspoken Grievances


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Translator's Note

眼中钉肉中刺 – A nail in one’s eye and a thorn in one’s flesh.

Translator's Note

竹马 – Zhu ma, a type of child’s plaything. A fake horse made from a stick of bamboo. It’s also a euphemism for a male childhood friend.

Translator's Note

和盘托出 – He pan tuo chu, to put everything on the table, to reveal everything.

Translator's Note

他人腹中之虫 – A worm in another person’s belly, to be privy to private information.

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  1. Yay~ update!! How nice~~ 😍😍

    Now i want to read Lu Jiusi POV! I want to know how he felt when Ah Zuo literally made a fool of him in his face🤭🤭

  2. Ah, the protagonists have delivered an exquisite performance in front of a select and exclusive audience. 😂 Being able to communicate mind to mind is a huge advantage, since they can fine-tune their lines on the go.

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌸

  3. Also looking forward to watching Lu Jiusi gnashing his teeth over his supposed bad luck, lol. Thanks for the chapter 😍😍😍

  4. Gu Zuo has amazing talent for acting. Talking in his mind and blushing while putting up an act during an actual conversation. #admiration 🤩

  5. G O O D ! ! ! i love these sincere people so much and want the sister to be well again. hope liu jiusi tries again so he can get caught by these two and they can rid themselves of this horrid pest.

  6. downfall of reading a yaoi genre is any time i meet two guys who are simply friends i immediately try to pair them up in my mind! 😂 i figure that they are simply the main characters in their own story and side characters in the story im reading. this is especially the case with these types of novels as the couples tend to seem like close brothers to the outside world as gays were known about but went unspoken. 😭 it makes me wonder how many other stories im missing out on 😍

  7. *The guy treated him sincerely, but his mouth was full of lies. After continuing to trick others so much, he felt that he’d become a swindler like his big brother in the future…

    However, Xi Yangyun and Xu Lingxiu would both definitely care about Gu Zuo even more.*


  8. Was the little prince uneasy because of how Ah Zou might feel about his bad attitude? That’s so cute. I love him as a character and I wish he’d show up more often 🥰

    Thank you for the chapter!

  9. Gugu don’t worry, these lies are necessary for your well being! And harmless stories to explain your help, needn’t be concerned! Such a good child!

  10. Our protagonists rank in lying and acting are about as high as his cultivation growth, lol.

    Translation notes:

    Xi Yangyun’s face also showed dejection — 不快 is more like “unhappiness” than “dejection”

    but the other side was so proactive that it left him feeling a bit disappointed. — more “guilty” than “disappointed”

    As for Lu Jiusi’s attention, it had never strayed. –> Their attention towards LJS never strayed.

    Hadn’t Xu Lingxiu been constantly impatient to ride the hobby horse that they shared while growing up? Nothing that was written on his face would annoy Xi Yangyun. –> Hadn’t XLX often shown impatience even towards the hobby horse he’d grown up with? Everything was written on his face, but that didn’t make XYY dislike him. (“hobby horse” is euphemism for a male childhood friend; in this case, Xi Yangyun.)

    At most, Xu Lingxiu would believe that this thing was obtained from a hidden compartment. –> At most, XLX might not really believe…

  11. Forget it. If I had a Junior Sect Brother like you, my days wouldn’t have been peaceful in the future.

    Can someone explain deeper by what he means his days would no longer be peaceful?

  12. It’s refreshing seeing them switch their roles sometimes.. this time Gongyi Tianheng acted as a background lol🤣

  13. I love that Xu Lingxiu referred to GZ as “a person of his Violet Tower,” even though that was never in any way established lol.