I Have MedicineCh133 - Earthly Fire Pill Refinement


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  1. Ah’Zuo you cute little bun!

    But I wonder about this violet/pink clothed arrogant guy. Giving pointers to whom? Who is that guy anyway? Maybe he’ll get burned by the earth flame and ends up as a human barbecue 😀

  2. Gu Zuo, doing too many top-grade pills is really an overachievement hahahaha. You need to slow it down, genius! And the way he thought “the system wanted to join in the fun” ashdagjshgdas

    Kid! You’re treating it as if it were just an entity watching you while eating popcorn and occasionally giving out alms hhhh

    Thank you, Tetra!

  3. If the system doesn’t occasionally join the fun, the audience would quickly forget it even exists! XD

    Translation notes:

    Now it was his turn to be ridiculed on this small, open stage. –> Now it was his turn, this little canon fodder collateral damage, to take the stage.

    En, the old and the young were both the same. –> En, there was both an old and a young right here.

    Violet First Floor –> Violet Tower (he’s referring to the name of the whole building)

    If you’re interested in being a teacher’s assistant –> If this sect youngster is interested (师侄 is technically sect nephew, but could also referr to a general sect youngster.)

    What was that about not overextending himself? –> Didn’t he say he needed to hide his strength?

    It would let themselves refine even more pills with better conditions. –> It would let them refine more pills of higher grades.

  4. When that arrogant purple-clad guy’s bodyguard shoved Gu Zuo, I immediately thought “Ooooooh bad move! Gongyi Tianheng will make sure that guy loses an arm! NOBODY shoves his little pharmacist around!”

  5. Really like this story

    Hoping to have more translators so we have one chapter a day. Even with this is going to take 3years to translate it.

  6. Love Gu Zuo going ham on the pill refinement. He’s so dumb and cute I just want him to be happy