Fuck-Up's Guide to Falling In LoveCh88 - When You Try Your Hand At Deprogramming


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  1. I have exactly the same feeling than Weiwei for Huang Luchuan. Pity and a sort of ew not digust but just. I probably would want to strangle him all the time of I was his friend. Being too nice and gullible is a problem (or you need to have a very good safe net of people to get over the lack of pragmatism or something)

    Anyway, thank you for the chapter ! (And sorry for the messy English it’s the middle of the night here and my brain is half asleep)

  2. It’s happening! It’s happening! Everybody stay calm!

    Okay, but I am so happy. F i n a l l y, Huang Luchuan may see the light. I’m sure I’m a bad person, but, I don’t care about HL even a little bit. There’s not even a bit of pity, just ”are you serious?” kind of feeling. There’s being nice, then there’s ignoring all warning signs in front of you. He really seems more like a carpet than a human being. But of course, being an idiot is not a crime, and he’s a victim, so I’m glad he can be safe now. SleepyHugi is pretty accurate, HL is the kind of person you just want to strangle.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. I sympathize (and relate) to Huang Luchuan. Emotional abuse is hard to acknowledge when it’s happening to you. You are conditioned to believe in the abuser more than yourself. It’s a hard cycle to break since you’re normally isolated. Thank you for having Wei Qing and Yue Fei help him

  4. I honestly feel bad for huang luchuan,especially knowing what is coming… i was hoping for wei qing to bond with him or something like that but with this chapter it feels very unlikely. And now i’m wondering, won’t huang luchuan really end up all alone after getting rid of yang wushe? Of course he needs that bastard out of his life, but what comes after that?

  5. Thank you for the chapter! How awkward for everyone (even if poor Huang Luchuan doesn’t know it yet). I for one am happy that he will get to be his own main character, and that there are more stories to come. I’ve loved this one!

  6. That would be one of the investigations they’ve already done, right? But maybe with his cooperation they can get more detailed. I’m surprised they’ve able to meet and email without Yang Wushe butting in.