Fuck-Up's Guide to Falling In LoveCh87 - When You Whistleblow (Suggestive)


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    • Haha, yes, you should. I think part of the reason I find those investigations so interesting is because plane safety is so good– when things fail, it’s pretty aberrant. For example, all modern jet engines are designed to be able to fly even if an engine falls off. Really! That, and the fact that every crash is investigated means that there’s rarely much mystery by the end and you can trace the failures step by step.

      ….That being said, you could not pay me to get on a helicopter for anything short of Coast Guard rescue or life flight, because helicopters really are spinning bricks, and if something goes wrong, there’s pretty much no time to correct it.

  1. Thank you for this chapter!

    I am so glad the kids can talk things out properly now!Also, I just love your descriptions, like the one explaining that the scum is somehow technically still human 🙂

  2. Well, you wrote the warning, and I did read it, and pretty much knew what he was going to say. It did bring up decades- old memories. But I was still completely fine until Yue Fei cried! Even though Wei Qing is the one who jumped, Yue Fei always feels more vulnerable to me.