Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil (Extra 4)Chapter 8


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Translator's Note

means ancestral beasts, since they come from a “higher” / more powerful set of ancestors

Translator's Note

Idiom from chess, meaning that there cannot be two tigers on one mountain (second part is that ‘unless one is male and one is female’ lol)

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  1. Those three dark faces…do they belong to Xiao An Chun, Zhou Yun Sheng and Zhoa Xuan. If so they just got themselves a ticket to hell.ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ

    • ThatOneCryingInTheCorner

      No. It was Eddie , the leader and the Shaman

  2. ZX is really insatiable….but I still like him soooo much…I’ve turned into a huge pervert..QAQ
    Thanks for the chapter(gives a huge hug)

  3. Ah! Those slag! +100 Don’t touch our family’s Xiao An Chun (#`д´)ノ

  4. Just who is the white-eyed wolf here 🤬🤬

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  5. ZX is so silly, lol. Important skirt decisions. XAC, run away!!! Scum tribe doesn’t deserve you.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. When ZYS says “my love” my heart just XHFBHDCHUVGUFY dead
    And a hundred bucks that ZYS will save our XAC (make ZX save him more like).
    Also, ZX is so cute when it comes to stuff concerning ZYS, like boi how can you even– Tho those skirt worries were full on hilarious xD

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  7. Man, those people are warped. The sexism is strong in their culture, too.

  8. Bestias estúpidas, que no ven que todo pasó por meterse con la esposa del león dorado y ahora quieren acabar con su benefactor, en serio merecen desaparecer.

  9. Yeah, dont touch our Xiao An Chun!! ( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ)