Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil (Extra 4)Chapter 9


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Translator's Note

terribly mutilated

Translator's Note

being an alarmist, someone who is considered to be exaggerating a danger and so causing needless worry or panic.

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  1. I can forgive Kun for being angry since he doesn’t know better and grew up believing in that dirty mud …but from the TL notes it seems he’s just a bad person in general. That Mou person doesn’t sound all that great either.

    Eagerly awaiting some major face slapping…

  2. And here i hope for Kun to change but oh well our little Xiao Chun have a better fate following Yun Sheng

  3. Yun Sheng ah hurry up and ask your hubby to save both of them. Make sure you tor-tutoring that b***h Eddie and that cheater Mou

  4. Out little Xiao Chun deserves someone better😤

  5. Inb4 Kun’s leg gets worse because of the disgusting blood but they blame XAC instead. I hope XAC gets a caring hubby…maybe the other tribe is actually decent…

    Thanks for the chapter!

    • That’s what I’m afraid of too! That they’ll blame Xiao An Chun for the infection!

  6. So, so gross… Mud for wounds? Agahgjaljgaljglg….. Too bad YunSheng and Zhao Xuan aren’t allowed to kill anyone because there are plenty of people who want to be on their hit list.

  7. Fck those dumbshts. Let them die! Poor Xiao An Chun and that Mu dude…. But Mu’s finacee was a real dck, isn’t he? Turning your back on someone you ‘love’ so freaking quickly…. Maybe XAC and Mu can get rescued and start a females only tribe of their own!

    Thanks for translating~

  8. They both deserve better. I hope our mains can help them find new homes and good mates.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  9. I had this feeling from the first time I started FOD, but really, a chapter without ZYS and ZX is really like chemistry to me…a total bore!! But then again without a sturdy plot(which FOD is famous for) it won’t feel right either which makes me all the more thankful to the team…
    Thanks for the chapter!!! <3

  10. Uhm… en serio este Eddie destruirá a su tribu.

  11. Ok I guess this mud shit hasnt been used a lot but even those “uncivilized” can see cause and effect and see that it hurts the patient. Smfh. 😒