Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil (Extra 4)Chapter 7


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  1. Happy because we got an extra sexy ZYS, and angry cause some puny cannon fodder disturbed the two’s pa pa pa. Please kindly gtfo if you don’t want to be hacked to death

    Thanks for the pa pa cough chapter! 🙂

  2. Haha i like how fod’s extra is just full of bestiality XD and damn those natives of all times why intrude when the two lovebirds are making out? Such bad taste

    Lol thanks for the chappie!

  3. They really picked the worst moment… now there definitely will be no mercy shown by ZX after his happy time was interrupted and his lover was peeped at.

  4. Silly Lion, but the beastmen are even more silly, they are sooo gonna get wrecked

  5. That little guy is so cute. I’m happy and sad. This was a fantastic chapter (thank you) but it makes me want a whole novel full of this excellence.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️😍🤤

  6. These canyon forages do not even deserve to be lit, they deserve to die slowly and with suffering they came to interrupt the papapa, cough cough, I say the peaceful life of my mandarin ducks

    Thanks for the chapter! ^ ^

  7. We gots some sexy times! Hahahaha I can’t wait for next chapter to see those greedy fckers get their arms torn off! I hope Xiao An Chun also leaves~ Hahaha It’ll be so good to see them not only fail to steal someone’s wallet but also lose their own wallet~ ╮(╯▽╰)╭

    Thanks for translating~

    • Mi like a este comentario XD

  8. I wasn’t expecting papapa yet but I should’ve~

    Thanks for the yummy chapter! 💕

  9. Que castigue severamente a los que arruinaron el maravillosos momento de esos dos. Estaba disfrutando la escritura >:v
    Gracias por la actualización, me encanto :’D

  10. Tsk they disturb the lovers now ZX is angry.

    Thank you for the chapter!

  11. These two are so hard-core….

    Interrupting pa pa pa time? Time to die/

  12. Estúpidos, primero los alejan por temor a que enloquesca… ahora verán que esta decisión los ha matado.