Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 8


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Translator's Note

cp is shipping, basically. So you can guess CP vibes

Translator's Note

from nosebleed

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  1. This manager-actor couple only has slags, so slimy and disgusting 😡 they deserve a heavy sprinkling of salt.

    Thanks for the chapter!!

  2. Uh oh, you not only messed with the film emperors husband but also with your boss’s brother…

    Thanks for the chapter ❤

  3. ” In that scene, Yi Chenyan was providing Yang Anyu hands-on training, and when correcting his disciple’s posture, his gaze was even gentler. Meanwhile, Yang Anyu had a puppy-like, loyal gaze when facing his respected and adored master. His eyes were shining and filled with love ah !”

    my heart is full ;w;w;w;w; ty for the chapter!

  4. ” Li Ye glanced at this stunned film emperor, somewhat entertained.”

    Li Ye is so much like me! Same reaction! XD

    Thank you all for the translation~

  5. Shouldn’t the big brother protect Yang Anyu? Why is he allowing this Yi Chenyan to trample him like this? I hope those cancelled contracts are him giving the lesson he promised.

    Ohh, and the husband is going to beat that Scum too! So exciting!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. Wow imagine purposely injuring stuntmen as an actor because of your shitty PRIDE. Stuntmen aren’t even paid well.

    Thanks for the chapter 🥰

  7. Ahaha. Retribution is coming. I know Yang Anyu and Yang Jue don’t really get along, but I hope their relationship improves. I also hope that Yu Siyuan either gets smart or gets out of the entertainment business. Stunting is dangerous enough without deliberate sabotage. He’s lucky Yang Anyu could be his stuntsman! Otherwise, filming might have stalled! Thanks for the chapter!

  8. Hah, faced it. You targetted Anyu, now let Chenyan sorted you out, you inferior product!

    Haish, I am distressed. Although I know that kind of injury is nothing in Anyu’s eyes, but such blatant injustice. As expected, I want Anyu to just be the adorable him fluttering around but not within this industry.

  9. ho, I thought Yi Chenyan would turn a blind eye to this (and I would be very, very mad at him, for goodness sake) but fortunately he will deal with this. very well. at the very least do for Ah Yu’s safety.

  10. Ugh! I had a bad feeling the second I heard he was on a tall building. My puppy almost got hurt but still, there he goes attracting butterflies to him while his bee has to stand by and watch. But ha! 😤 this auntie is ready to throw out some trash!

    • this is my personal translation style; it’s a phonetic sound that technically is not necessary and doesn’t have an English equivalent, but for me I can manage to keep the tone of the sentence. ba is usually something said so the sentence is more ‘whatever’, if that makes sense. It’s basically something that if you’re Chinese you’ll understand, but can ignore otherwise.

  11. Yu Siyuan is evil. I think he and his manager were also behind the accident that befell the previous stuntman. Hoping the Yang family terminates his contract after this.

  12. What the f…?! Because of ridiculous jealousy he tried to hurt someone else? That simple? The MC could have had serious injury or even die… Wow, what a scum.