Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 9


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Translator's Note

I nearly cursed when trying to figure out this song’s title. There’s various meanings for each word, so allow me to give you the og name 无言以辰 wuyanyichen and you can feel free to google and choose which meaning it’s implying for yourself. If I had to explain each word, we’ll be here all day. I gave a simple rundown on chenyan’s name in this paragraph though

Translator's Note

yi is easy, chen, is dawn, while yan is speaking, or words.

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  1. Oh boy…The big bro’s reaction would be amazing~

    Thank you all for the translation~

  2. So Yang Anyu gonna enter the entertainment industry as a vocalist/artist?

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  3. thank you for the chapter! unfortunately destiny (author) won’t follow your will, big bro XD

  4. I thought the Scum Will have his face slapped, but Yi Chenyan only reminded him his place… A true Gentleman.

    Yang Anyu Will show his brother he can be a big star!!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. Pain. I feel so bad for the OG Yang Anyu. He just wanted to be happy… and ML accepted the marriage proposal so he thought they could have their own HE 😭

    Thanks for the chapter 🥰❤️

  6. Can Yang Anyu even sing? Good luck! Go pursue your dream! Big brother is going to be so mad. But it might get him one step closer to Yi Chenyan. Thanks for the update!

  7. I wonder why his brother doesn’t care about his behavior (to a point) but also doesn’t want him in showbiz?

    • Must be because they are step siblings. It is implied that Anyu’s mother is mistress right. He grow up outside, and Yang Peng (their dad) one day picked him back to Yang family over guilt towards Anyu’ mother. It is also implied due to that guilt, he is biased to Anyu. Logically speaking, if I am in Yang Jue’s shoes, I think I too not gonna have good feeling to this son of homewrecker that later grabbed all the father’s care. Idk though.

    • I think Yang Jue somewhat cared about his brother. Coz if not he wouldn’t have cleaned up his mess. Some things he can turn a blind eye, but showbiz is different. Yang Jue manages the business so ofcourse he knows how messy the entertainment circle could be. Knowing how unrestrained the original Angyu could be, he’d just create more trouble for himself as well as the company. I think it’s just his way of being a big brother who looks out for his brother’s welfare as well as being the boss of the company.

  8. I know that Yang Jue is entitled to be antagonistic to Yang Anyu since Anyu’s mother is basically a mistress. But I can’t help it that I am hating him, so much. Li Ye, Chengyan and Guo Luxi are able to see how big of a change Anyu’s had. Yang Jue is just unwilling. Can’t Anyu sign with others entertainment company instead? Sigh.

  9. I pity the orginal Angyu, he just loved a person… unfortunately love isn’t something that can be forced…maybe MC will try to make the wish of original Angyu come true, of being able to stand the same with YCY that’s why he’d try to enter the entertainment circle.

  10. Why do I low-key want Yang Anyu to go sign with another, be successful and make his Big Brother bite his own tongue with regret? hahahahahaha 😝