Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesCh69 - Extra 1


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Translator's Note

idk if yall know this, but rpf is real person fiction. Eg, um… dream and george from the minecraft fandom

Translator's Note

this blessing is implying sex life. It sounds identical to a blessed life, but the character changed to sex

Translator's Note

Im sorry chenyan… but imma call you out… you furry

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  1. Thanks for the chapter! This extra was just full of sugar heheheh. I wish them a long blessed life!!!

  2. Mr LY such a serious appearance yet very good at writing all sorts of things including filth. hehehehe pair of fanboys married together. Lol I was joking earlier about the pet play yet author actually did it. Hahaa

  3. They’re wild. Or more like Yi Chenyan. He actually managed to make Yang Anyu wear that at their wedding night. 🤣 Still, a wedding!! 🎉🎉

  4. HOLYSHIT THE AUTHOR 🤣🤣🤣🤣 it’s such a whiplash from the vinegar jar overbearing president husband, but very much welcome! 🤣🤣🤣 I am reeeeeeally intrigued by their story and also the two film emperors’ love story, they seem so much fun!