Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 70


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Translator's Note

sorry, had to keep it to the raws cuz im not sure whether there’s a wordplay going on here. The raws are 珏声依旧, with the jue being Yang Jue’s jue, Sheng is sound/voice, and yijiu being Still/As before

Translator's Note

U fuuuuuckkkkkked upppppppp

Translator's Note

as a lover

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  1. Awww I didn’t think they had such a past! In another novel, they could have been the main characters of a story heheheh. I was also surprised by QNX’s age hahahah I thought he was around the same as YAY. Never thought he would be older. Thanks for the chapter!

  2. “The day before he left America, Qin Nuoxi had waited for Yang Jue for a very long time. Even when it began raining that night, he still foolishly waited, but Yang Jue never appeared” awww poor QNX but I’m happy t hat they get together in the end 😭❤️

    Thanks for the chapter