Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 40


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Translator's Note

the yan of Yi Chenyan, and yu of Yang Anyu. Qian= thousand, while wan=ten thousand

Translator's Note

Kiss kiss fall in love

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  1. Waiting for the smut scenes since the last translator just did a teaser. Thanks for the chapter! 😁😁

  2. The way Anyu admitted to Jue that Chenyan already ate his tofu (or chrysanthemum) pfft-! ≧ω≦

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. It was so smooth! They’re officially together now!

    Hmmm, could it be Yi Chenyan was in love with Yang Anyun’s dad?!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. 🤭 I didn’t expected this much detailed pa pa pa in any of the novels in this site.

    Thanks for update

  5. ok, besides them enjoying their meals, cough, what’s up with patricide? Yi Chenyan didn’t kill his dad?

    Thanks for the chapter <3

  6. They finally took their relationship to the next level! I’m glad Yi Chenyan doesn’t just see Yang Anyu as a child. I’m so curious about Yang Anyu’s dad! And this next episode sounds like it won’t be so fun. Good luck, Yamg Anyu!

  7. Oh my….

    But what is the background story involving papa Yang?

    Oh dear, Xiao is making his moves. This feels like a trap for both Yang brothers.

  8. Hey! What is this. Did ChenYan ge somehow triggered something making papa Yang had heart attack?

    Oh boy. It is that annoying Tang Xiao again. After that wannabe actor, now it is this singer and wannabe actor sigh.

  9. It was clearly his first time last night, yet he kept weeping and crying out. In the end, he even tangled around Yi Chenyan and did it several times. Just thinking about it was super embarrassing!

    At last, read something different after a first time NSFW😂😂😂😂

  10. Didn’t know you have to press the NSFW 😳to read the pa pa pa 😂 I’m sorry to all the novels I’ve read and didn’t press it. I’m sorry I’m so clueless HAHAHAHAHA

  11. I honestly didn’t expect the nsfw lol.. I just thought it was just put there to simply say they did NSFW.. little did I know that was a key to open another world lol haha i was already on the next chapter then I comeback. The author of this was brave 😂