Film Emperor's Adorable Wife From Ancient TimesChapter 39


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Translator's Note

I’m not sure if they mean like, twice’s shy shy shy or shameful

Translator's Note

little six

Translator's Note

all six majors (work, health, etc) go smoothly. It’s a quote for well-wishes

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  1. Awww 🥰

    Wonder if Mr LY was YCY manager Li Ye or not 🤔

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  2. Erm, Tang Xiao seems iffy. Hope he’s not plotting..

    Aww, a song just for Yang Anyu 🥰Thanks for the chapter 💕

  3. Yi Chenyan wrote a song for Yang Anyu! AHHH! How sweet! So much potential for cute side couples too! Thanks for the update.

  4. Waaaaaa theres so many side couples (not all but theres possibility) here (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    Big brother Yang x Qiu Nuoxin

    TangTang x Qi Ge

    Li Ye x that one ‘fox’ guy (i think his surname is Qia??? I forgot QAQ)

  5. Oh my. How long do they plan to keep the marriage secret?

    I know the actor Matt Bomer kept his sexuality a secret until he outted himself by thanking his husband and their kids at anaward ceremony/speech thing. Everyone but the public knew. At that point they had been together for like 15 years. 0o

  6. I was sad Anyu is definitely mistreated by that program’s production team. Making me wonder who Tang Xiao’s backer is. Keep on putting pressure to our precious YuYu hmm.

  7. Dear ML, why don’t you simply release the song under the title “For My Anyu”? 🤭 I hope the author will get to proper PDA, I’m here for it!