Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 74


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  1. I’m laughing, Shi Qing managed to fool everyone even till the very end💀🤣🤣🤣 Anyways this chapter was very cute, Shi Qing really switched it up this time with the alcohol lol. I can’t wait for mermaid SQ!! I bet he’s breathtakingly beautiful😍🥰💕

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡♡

  2. cute cute cute cute cute!!!

    good things must be said thrice but beautiful things must be said 5 times!

  3. Yaaassss!!!! I mtl’d this because I couldn’t wait and this is my favorite arc(mermaid arc) hands downnnnnnnnn😆😆😆❤️❤️❤️

  4. Ohhhhhh. That was kinda rushed but sweet. They could be together so many years!

    Shi Qing as a mermaid?! That’ll be Interesting!!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  5. I thought he said he wanted to be a mermaid-angel… If he’s the bad guy like usual then wouldn’t that be a mermaid- fallen angel 😂

  6. Is he a mermaid now? Oh… It’s a merman i misspoke 😉

  7. aw man i’ll miss the crown prince! he was such a big softie!! how cute! now moving on to the ocean! our little mermaid needs to capture the sea life’s hearts too! ╰(๑>◡<๑)╯

  8. Anyway, I’ve been wondering how SQ managed to do all that. Did he already possess such ability before, like, originally??? Was it with the help of the system???

    Perhaps even got from his inhereted memories when he transmigrated over to the Mechanical King??? Either way, SQ is so amazing. Fucking male god!

    SQ as a beautiful merman!!!! Omg!!

  9. After conquering the land, he’ll wreck havoc in the sea. Dear Shi Qing, your the best! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

    Dog food will truly spread inhe vast seas!! Looking forward to it

  10. Ohh can’t wait for cute little merman splashing his tail to cause havoc! So sad their papapa scenes cut so dramatic,even kissing seem omitted 😭

  11. This chapter reminded me of the crooked history of Cleopatra, in which she was described as a vixen that seduced everyone when in actually she was a genius strategist that outsmarted every man that trying to conquer Egypt, but because the documents that survive from the times are just those crooked things about her as a vixen, so she’s always written as a vixen, not about her greatness of mind. Just like how every documents about Shi Qing described him as a great and good and humble person, when in actually he’s the most shameless person that “slandered” himself too much it made me so embarrased if I met him in person.
  12. Fish tail! FishTail!! Whoo! I am way to excited but finally a more fantasy setting! I know the other worlds had some aspects but not to this extent.😸 He was a demon but it wasn’t like he had horns or some other weird quirk to adjust around. 😁



    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗

  14. Fue el arco más desagradable (para mí) me irritó tanto desde el principio que lo salté directamente.

    Espero este sea lindo

  15. This arc is not my favourite, but I like how they ended… They’ll always be together forever until they both die… ❤️

  16. I really wanna know whether our mc actually came up with the research himself or he got the system to do it, im so curious i haven’t stopped thinking about it

    shi qing is obviously a genius, he’s one of the smartest mc’s I’ve ever seen, he definitely has the potential to come up with the research himself but I need the authors confirmation ☹️☹️