Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 73.2


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Translator's Note

网络水军 – A group of online ghostwriters paid to post comments with particular intent.


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  1. So spoiled! I really needed this dose of sweetness today! Looking forward to more dog food!!!!

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡♡♡

  2. And Shi Yiyi is brain damaged if she couldn’t have spotted that the tides have turned way earlier. She doesn’t know how just settle😏 good thing us us tho lmao

    Thank you for the chapter!

  3. Translator pay for my dentist bill.. My teeth are falling out from the amount of dog food

    Thank You for the Chapter!!

  4. Haha, Shi Yiyi deserves whatever she’s getting rn, have fun with that mess girly.

    Thank you for translating!!!🥰❤💋💖💋

  5. lol, QYS hiring a water army for Shi Qing (≧▽≦) because the positive comments makes Shi Qing happy. good job, QYS! Now, how’s your training going? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

    also, Shi Yiyi… stop digging your own grave (눈‸눈) you will probably loose everything that you currently have, if you continue this. You’re still planting destruction flags in your every step. (´-﹏-`;)

    thank you for translating (人´∀`)。゚+

  6. Ahhh QYS, I believe in you! Work hard and then do your couple exercises with Shi Qing asap! 😆😆

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  7. I want someone to spoil me like this and treat me like a baby. I want hugs and gentle kisses. I love Male Leads like this but they also remind me how lonely I am because they’re exactly my type. Sweet and caring.

  8. Qin Yunsheng doesn’t want to be tied up… But maybe Shi Qing WANTS to tie him up!!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  9. Is there really an official Water Army company in China? I want to become Chinese and have such a care free and entertaining job…

  10. Just wanna know shouldn’t it be shi yiyi’s father or did shi qing’s father really help shi yiyi write that article?