Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 61.2


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  1. QAQ Blind Zhang and his wife… Wang Cai…that was so sad, I am crying. Hopefully the can be happy in the next life.

    On a lighter note, Shi Qing is so funny, what a tease. Meng Qing sure is wrapped around his finger. Poor Shifu lol

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡

  2. Saaaad, yet it was sweet at the end. They could go together.

    Meng Qing’s shifu didn’t give them his blessing, but that can’t separate them! With the help of the doggie, hehe.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. Shifu is a mouse cultivator!?!? Ha ha ha 🤣

  4. The old couples story is so sad. This arc was full of tears.

    The master is a mouse who cultivated lol. He is so scared of Wang Cai.

    Thanks for the chapter

  5. The Zhang family story is so sad but the end of the chapter is so funny… Author knows how to play with my heart 😔

    Thank you for the chapter ❤

  6. Hey, what the hell? The couple’s story almost made me cry but the ending ruined it 😆🤣

  7. meng qing really is an infatuated little puppy 🥺 he’s so pure… i know he and sq have the pull of fated pairs but i can just imagine any old demon parading as a saint sweeping him of his feet LOL

    he reminds me of ariel when she said “daddy, i love him!!”… some romeo and juliet type beat

    thank you for the sweet chapter!

  8. Zheng Xing would have a good friend in Wei Wuxian, lol!

    This arc is so bittersweet, though. I’m glad they took care of Wang Cai, though.

  9. Pfffft shifu was a mouse

    Wang cai is such a good pupper~~

  10. Big fat field mouse, martial master, old man….hmmm ninja turtles anyone? Except this one seems like a coward lmao

  11. “He collapsed to the ground and turned into a big fat field mouse.” haha the old man was a mouse this whole time?!? surprise surprise!! It turns out the “cowardly” man was actually a mouse? what a benefiting title!!!(^o^)

  12. Feels a bit odd to have an episodic arc within a quick transmigration story that already reads as multiple episodes 😂