Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 59.2


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Translator's Note

孟婆 – the goddess of forgetfulness who gives the dead a soup that wipes their memories and allows them to reincarnate without burdens


Translator's Note

赤脚医生 – farmers, folk healers, rural healthcare providers, and recent middle or secondary school graduates who received minimal basic medical and paramedical training and worked in rural villages in China


Translator's Note

Not actual sister in law. Just a way to refer to his coworker’s wife

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  1. That’s sad, all he wanted was to help people but in doing so, it caused his downfall. RIP, it’s quite admirable that he kept helping others even as a ghost.

    Also Shi Qing making a dirty joke and Meng Qing not catching on was super cute and funny

    Thanks for the chapter~♡

  2. Is the MC the top or bottom, for the first three worlds it was obvious but now I am no longer sure.

  3. Even If he was eager to help People, he should have taken care of himself too. What a pity.

    Meng Qing is too naive to understand Shi Qing’s naughty jokes. Hehe

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. this is the social commentary arc written from the eastern fantasy perspective. i always like reading these because they comment on unfilial children or homophobia or death by overworking. all are situations the author wishes would change. social commentary in modern eastern fantasy isn’t something i see every novel, but it’s always interesting seeing which issues the author thinks are serious enough to warrant a tonal shift in this story.

    thanks for the chapter!

  5. This reminds me of a scene from goblin. The doctor died from overwork as well and even when dead he was trying to save the life of a patient

  6. Isn’t there a cringe-y quote like

    “ You have saved them but who will save you”

    It’s cases like these when the cringeness of the quote goes away (just for a bit ofc)

  7. The doctor’s story is so fit with medical workers & doctors condition right now with covid19. Many of them died because of covid19, but some of them because of overworking… I hope medical worker and doctors around the world always safe and healthy and later will be granted beautiful heaven for their noble doings…

  8. I also had been thinking about this. Im currently applying for med school and I saw how demanding it is to the students body.😅

  9. sadly this also happens in real life. recently there was a traffic accident in my country, a doctor worked for 36 hours without sleep, after work, she got drowsy while driving to her home and died in the accident. majority of the doctors here want to work abroad cuz Turkey’s working conditions for medical workers are horrible, and it became even worse after the pandemic. Since I’m also a medicine student, I’m very worried about my future :’)

  10. That dirty joke hmmm plus Meng Qing is so cute wiping Shi Qing’s mouth while they eat ice cream aww 💗💗💗


    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗

  11. These people owe themselves and their family a lot, ur a scum although u didn’t hurt anyone you hurt yourself and indirectly ur family

  12. Despite being a doctor, they’re first and foremost also a human being like everyone else. Even robots and computers can get jammed and crashed. What more to say humans?

    Sometimes one must be selfish and take care of themselves first before caring for others. Because if they’re sick, who can take care of others?