Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 59.1


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  1. Lmaooo Shi Qing is so shameless!!! It amazes me everytime lol XD I cant wait for more sweet dog food!!

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡

  2. Shameless, shameless!!!

    I almost feel sorry for the little cultivator…

  3. 😂😂😂Poor little cultivator! He was tricked so badly like all the others!

    Lolz Shi Qing is shameless as heck, I swear his acting skills have increased by several levels already!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  4. this arc is reminding me of wangxian a little bit (o´ω`o) meng qing and lan wangjis favourite word, shameless! how cute

    thanks for the chapter!

  5. Ahhh poor little ML. He’s so immensely overmatched by our naughty demon king hahah.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  6. Pacifying angry hubby with ice cream is a good strategy 👍👍👍

  7. oh my goodness poor Meng Qing!!! That demon king is way too shameless for that poor baby there’s no way he can fight back lol

  8. MQ is like a little hedgehoge that can lure and please with foods. Ha ha, so cute.

    To tell the truth, I cried so hard before this and it’s drastically change when I read this chapter till end.

  9. I thought he used eyedrop or someting, but ice cream?!! SJDKSLJD shi qing you are genius

  10. Our little cultivator has been tricked once again… anyways, food resolves all feud.

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗

  11. I love how he’ll be so mad and annoyed but once he got fed by Shi Qing, he’ll immediately forget about it— getting focus on savouring whatever food Shi Qing feeds him. Adorable!! I almost cry at one part, too. Isn’t this supposed to be a vacation world??!!