Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 60.1


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  1. Lmao that young man being fed dog food was really funny XD! That doctor is very kind. AlsoI wonder what MQ and SQ will do in the underworld?

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡

  2. I’m expecting something good will happen to the doctor. At least in a novel, good deeds will be repaid. Thank you for the chapter.

  3. Why do I feel like it’s going to like sardines in a can.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  4. aww meng qing it’s starting to open up 🥺 also good bless that doctor… i hope he reincarnates into good family with a happy, calm, and non-balding job

    thank you for the chapter

  5. This arc is the epitome of a bucket of chopped onions.

  6. The doctor’s fate is sad, but with these two eating almonds happily next to him, Who can be sad? 😅

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. i totally ship the doctor and his wife. i know they’re already married together but i still ship them!!

  8. Oh my that doctor is so kind, doing his duty even after dying 😭 I wish that he hadn’t died. I wish his family can live on without any problems .

  9. Idk why this arc feels… off. As if this is the true identity of MC and ML… and that almond eating obsession(??) Is similar to the previous arc….

    Thanks for the chapter € ^ *^)/// ~~ ♡♡♡♡♡

  10. Being a doctor is really tough. I’m studying medicine we have so many practicals to do and labs. Is very exhausting. But we listen to our professors saying that the feeling when a patient’s family thanks you for saving their beloved that feeling will exhaust your tiredness. I’m looking forward to that day😊

  11. Zhang Haixiang is the kindest aww I hope you live well in your next life doctor! May your family also live happily in the present! 🙁💗

    Meng Qing is so cute giving all he good almonds to Shi Qing aaaa I’d happily ascend to heaven if I get to eat dog food until the end 🛐💗

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗

  12. I feel like this vacation arc is really a vacation for us… The plot is short and not concentrating on the MC & ML…