Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 57.2


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  1. Aftwr reading t/n: it was supposed to be a vacation world 😭

  2. I was thinking this was gonna be a cute and teasing arc, but then the warning……..well, it’s not like I haven’t experienced worse. Buckle up lads, we’re in for a rough ride!

    Thanks for the chapter~♡

  3. Oh. I didn’t expect that warning… I thought this Meng Qing wil be easy to coax and Shi Qing Will be loving him in no time. But this world won’t be that easy, huh.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  4. This one is not going to be as light as I thought, huh. 😣

    Thank you for the chapter! 🥰

  5. Yeah. I remember there is a sad part on this arc. Even it breaks my heart i will still read that part.

    Thanks for the chapter

  6. 😂😂😂😂Shi Qing can finally stay true to his nature and fully seduce his gong!

    Thank you for the chapter!

  7. I’d be worried, but I just came from binging the latest arc of Scum Gong, and my tears have long dried up… your majesty, this servant is done (>_<)/

  8. Teacher Xie He has already taught me all that I need to know about dark themed arcs (。•ˇ‸ˇ•。)

    My heart and mind is prepared!!!

  9. thanks for the chapter! i mustnt lie, i do adore a little ml bullying 🤲 thank you for the future content warnings

  10. Poor cute ML. I enjoy how SQ always starts in bed Hahahaha.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  11. Aww why this looks like such a cute Arc though

  12. Ohh vacation!

    Nice! Dark like his personality hhe

  13. Hello, police, there’s a pedo sexually harrased a child in a temple near my home. Please, come. 😂