Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 58.1


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  1. o? i think this might b the first novel ive seen have a chapter where they talk about the views on homophobia and homosexuals

  2. Oh…so its gonna be about this young man and the soul who killed themself huh QAQ I’m gonna cry, I know it…..

    Also Meng Qing is so cute, you can say he’s meng XD ok ok I’ll leave

    Thanks for the chapter ~♡

  3. Kinda feel strange beacuse this world is mixture of modern world, cultivation and weatern names

  4. Wow are you sure Shi Qing is the shou?? Cause it really doesn’t look that way from here lol

    Thank you for translating!!!

  5. Wait if Shi Qing and Meng Qing are fine then who was the translator crying over? 😰😰😰

    Looks like I have to make sure I don’t get attached to any side characters….

    Thank you for the chapter!

  6. no me gustan los arcos que me hacen llorar porque mi mama me dice que no vea dramas y cosas tristes por que lloro

    pero este arco es bonito y dura 5 cap es bueno y corto y conmovedor

  7. Hmmm… This world setting is like the ancient China cultivation world? Or modern world… Since I find it hard to believe the existence of milk tea, and cheesecakes and school bag in a cultivation world… 🤔