Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 57.1


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  1. Lol so ML is a cute and simple little Darling this time, while Shi Qing is, well, Shi Qing XD Cant wait for the seduction~

    Thanks for the chapter~♡♡

  2. It’s only a vacation because he can act OOC? Hahaha. Well, he certainly Will have fun. Meng Qing seems to easy to bully.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  3. If Meng Qing was in a different story he would make a cute uke…. but with Shi Qing here, perhaps that pureness will disappear in bed🤪

    Thank you for the chapter! ❤️

  4. Shi Qing, did you just steal that poor old lady’s cat?

  5. how can shi qing let the chance to flirt with his lover go away? even if it’s vacation world, he wouldn’t do something so stupid.

  6. When I read that ‘he could go wherever there’s grievance’, I instantly thought about the grievance born from waiting. Waiting for the next chapter, especially when the chapter ended on a cliffhanger.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  7. Wait they can’t see him ? Does that mean the passerby can only see a cat levitating in the air ?

  8. So this arc is really a vacation arc. I thought the system was just saying it out casually… And SQ originally is a pretty young man in his own world? I wondered what actually happened to him back then.