Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 56.2


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Translator's Note

a rare breed from France

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  1. LMAOOO This arc sounds like a good one! Also, this is a new type of setting?? Never saw a QT arc with a demon king who could exchange stuff for granting wishes :0 Ngl, that voice part reminded me of Little Mermaid xD

    Anyw, TXY got the satisfaction of being the one to know the full truth lol. Glad she has a loving husband tho, she deserves the happiness.

    Also, I thought this was supposed to be a vacation and not a new world?? Or is this the vacation?? O-o

    Thanks for the chapter! 🙂

  2. So is this a new task or his vacation? I’m confused?

  3. Am I too naive?! How were they going to use the treadmill? 😅

    They had a happy life! Good!

    Thanks for the chapter!

      • They probably did a round at or near the window, as for the treadmill I can only think of to get his stamina up. This is the only thibg I can think of, I hope that helps lol.

        • Ohhh, for stamina… That makes sense. I was thinking of something perverted like Zhao Junli walking on it while he did Shi Qing,but I don’t know If that’s a thing hahaha. 😅

          • It think the treadmill was to get his stamina DOWN. I think he had too much energy and the mg couldn’t keep up. So before they do it he needs to run a few laps so he doesn’t go on forever

    • I thought I was the only one who didn’t understand anything about the treadmill… SQ has been saying it in other arcs as well. And I can only try to imagine/understand him. I felt how TongTong feel too. 😅 But I ain’t as innocent as that system. 😂

  4. And the vacations?? I though the man kneeling was about to offer a drink 😂😂

    Hahaha, I imagine the cat saying something like: Quel encu** ! C’est un vrai fils de pu** ! 🤣

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  5. This was very sweet arc!! And next arc is making me so excited!!! Shi Qing can act as shameless as he wants!!! I wonder geo ML will be this time!

    Thanks for the chapter~♡

  6. Lol, I totally thought the string of nonsense was going to be the cats cursing the guys who knocked its master down the stairs out.

    Funny though the French reveal is, I’mma hope it still did exactly that in French! Dude does his best to remember what he heard, buys a Chinese-French dictionary, and… ”

    Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!”

  7. that dude really just set himself up to be duped like that lmaoooo. im glad that cat got the chance to swear at that demon child who hurt its human. i hope we get to see more of shi qing swindling scammers like this 😀

  8. Am I the only one dissapointed about the hotel scene? I wanna know who did who. I’ve been wondering about that the entire arc! I need details. Ah, but at least without the details I can imagine they are a reversible couple. But still, so unsatisfying and the arc was so so, no real plot there. I hope the next one is better (and I feel it already is).

  9. I thought the cat would refuse to answer him for hurting its owner…now we know the cat was french😅

  10. Cat : @#¥#¥¥@%&#

    Me, who’s also french : @#€#€€@%&#

  11. แน่นอน คุณฟังภาษาแมวได้ แต่คุณจะฟังออกรึไม่นั้น ขึ้นอยู่กับความเข้าใจของคุณ😂😂😂

  12. he leap from world to world without rest just to meet his lover. i wish i had one like him.

  13. I didn’t understand about treadmill thing, what was that? And system is an adorable, foolish, and innocent things, such a good child. This arc seems interesting.

  14. ‘You speak French very well’ has me dying 🤣❤️

  15. Congratulations on spending a lifetime once again!🎉🎉🎉 Tong Xinyu being invited to the wedding is the best decision ever huhu love you girl, hope you live a happy life with your husband! 💗💗💗

    The cat is french wth 😭 but being a demon lord sounds hella evil and sexy ph my gosh 😳💗

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗

    • Congratulations on spending another lifetime and Tong Xinyu eating dogfood until the end! Even the cat can speak french huhu how unfair is the world 😭💗

      (Idk why my previous comment is wating for moderation huhu but anyways sure it’s all just well wishes anyway)

      Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗

  16. One I love the cat man i wish I know what they said nous sommes un équipe! Anyway someone brought up the cremation so my bet is that MC-ge doesn’t want to leave any piece of ML behind because he’s reassembling him. And maybe the reason he already knew from the start is because this is a reunion deal where the MC was chosen for these tasks because of the love for the ML? Their speed and flippancy to all these relationships is kind of weird otherwise.