Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 54


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Translator's Note

吾师道也,夫庸知其年之先后生于吾乎?是故-  this part was written in archaic chinese so it’s pretty rough

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  1. Omg I laughed so much during this chapter 😂 But they were also very cute^^ Thanks for the chapter!

  2. So cute the confession, their feelings! then everything destroyed for laughs.

    I kinda miss the system eve tho it doesn’t do anything. I’m even wondering why there is a system.

  3. Thank you for the chapter! 😚

    I’m loving the comedy in this world!

  4. My thoughts were like :oh papapa is coming where is my popcorn

    And then : Hahahahhahahahha no popcorn eating today or I will die from choking

  5. ahahahahahaha poor shi qing thought he was going to get lucky but got more homework instead~

  6. The confession part was so smooth~

    I think zhuo junli knew what shi qing wanted XD

    Maybe waiting until after the exam?

    Thank you all for the translation~

  7. This is both a joyous situation and a tragedy.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️♥️

  8. thank you for the chapter! this arc was pretty fast hm? I almost forgot he doesn’t need to die after erasing the blackened values

  9. Lol, in both the last two worlds the ML hasn’t allowed things to jump straight to sex; maybe deep in his soul he remembers that his lover is completely insatiable and he’s saving energy while he can.

    • XD what a twist from most chinese novels- the shou is a fiend in bed and his gong is just like >_< my back hurts, have mercy

  10. hehehe what do you expect from a study tyrant. Dont worry SQ, you will get what you want….possibly after graduation? lol

    Thanks for the chapter!

  11. Hah, Shi Qing got played for the first time!




    Thank you for the update 💕

  13. Zhuo Junli is a good student. He can resist even the lust! . They confessed but there wasn’t a Kiss! Hahaha poor Shi Qing.

    Thanks for the chapter!

  14. I’m dead💀💀💀 I was expecting them to at least kiss but ZJL be like nah let’s STUDY 😂😂

  15. Lolz looks like Zhuo Junli is oblivious to the atmosphere! Poor Shi Qing! He needs to wait longer to have his fill 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Thank you for the chapter!

  16. Many thanks for the update!

    I can’t stop laughing XD XD XD … Doing homework is important, ah!

  17. be a little bit romantic on your first night of dating ZJL!! 😂

  18. if studying until 2 and waking up at 5 is immortal, then i should be called magical girl reading bl until 5 and waking up at 11.

  19. Hahahha is this like some sort of punishment from the world to Shi Qing! You think you can have your papapa!? No! Study first you horndog!

    Thanks for the chappie! ( ˘ ³˘)♡

  20. Thanks for all the translations!

    Either this author thinks everyone is a contortionist or they don’t understand which body parts connect to which others where. SQ and ML are (1) sitting up while (2) SQ lays his legs on ML’s body and (3) lays his head on ML’s lap.

    There are also places in the previous arcs where I was just as confused, essentially trying to imagine human bodies twisted into Klein Bottles lol

  21. Raised to the heavens only to be face slapped with books, poor Shi Qing 😔

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗