Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 53


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  1. Aiya TX just accept it and come to this side~ What’s better than two handsome men? Two handsome men getting together!!

    Their little classroom flirting was so cuteThanks for the chapter~♡

  2. I’ve read several novels where there are characters that think the ML or FL is in love with them, but Tong Xinyu is probably the most pure and unproblematic one I’ve ever seen and I’m here for it. As long as she doesn’t do anything to undermine them after this chapter, I wish her all the best in her journey ❤️ ❤️

    And thank you for the chapter!

  3. Tong Xinyu ella seguro penso que era la prota de un manga shojo clasico o una historia de triangulo amoroso pero se dio cuenta de que era un personae de apoyo para el comienzo de una historia bl lo siento por ella que triste😊☺😂😂

  4. TX such a delusional girl. She finally woke up this chapter, just hope she’s not going to obstruct their love (but SQ could use that to up his hubby’s love. Hmmmm…)

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. Shi Qing is not even acting like a bully anymore, hahaha. The love transformed him.

    Poor girl, but she can be the founder of their fan club!

    Thanks for the chapter!

  6. My teacher would always say that we were the loudest and worst class she had XD

    Now now, Tong Xinyu, were you enlightened or not? XDThank you all for the translation~

  7. The way their handholding was described as the teacher lectured them made it seem like they were doing a forbidden and erotic action hehe

    Thank you for the chapter!

  8. Thankfully Tong Xinyu accepted the reality 😂

    Thank you for the update! I always anticipate for an update of this story. 🥰

  9. I just love Tong Xinyu’s bitter journey towards enlightenment so fucking much. The side characters in this arc are really trying their best ah 😂

    This line especially slayed me:

    Tong Xinyu was very aware of her own flippant nature. Plus, she happened to meet a third year senior recently. She was worried that if her male gods didn’t confess to her soon, she would find another target for her affections.

    You go girl, let that senior comfort you properly~~

    Thanks for the chapter (/^▽^)/

  10. Well you’ve got your senior. Stay strong Tong Tong.

    So cute those guys.

    Thanks for the great translation ♥️

  11. Tong Xinyu might become the number 1 CP fan of her two male god after this 😂 Girl, welcome to a new world!!!

    Thanks for the chapter♡

  12. Hahahah i feel that TXY will be their cp fan lol. She got enlightened that her mail gods suit each other.

    Thanks for the chapter

  13. convert! accept the BL life girl. you know you want to 😉

  14. thanks for the chapter!

    the fact that her first reaction was heartbroken acceptance and the fact that they Are perfect for each other… tong xinyu, youve made a very important discovery. this is your chance to captain the ship (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

  15. Ahem I have read ahead. And I must say I really really love TX as this supporting babe. With pure intentions she tried to help these two boys XD but they dont need her help lmaooo

  16. Well she should have expected it! In fact, she should join the BL fandom and start shipping CPs!!!


    Thank you for the chapter!

  17. I cant🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I just can’t 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    She’s dumbfoundedly speechless 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  18. Poor Xinyu~ 😆

    I can hear her heart breaking from this distance. Well, we’ll just wait for her awakening and we’ll welcome her with open arms XD

  19. LOL. The teachers lecture made me remember how my class every year always gets scolded with similar words that goes like, “You’re the worst class ever! I can here your noises from far away! Look at bla bla bla”

  20. Oyaaaa she’s better than anyone. She’s actually supporting the two. The first thing she thought was they were good together. Come here miss! Join us!

  21. pats Tong Xinyu’s shoulder Well, girl, that’s what love life is, full of hope and dissapointment. But, you can learn from this and move on to looking for your own happiness. Now, pull out a brochure full of yaoi picture how about I introduce you to the rainbow side of the life?

  22. Tong xinyu is really just an immature girl who’s full of curiosity towards relationships…so cute😖

  23. Poor Tong Xinyu… anyways, I can imagine the teacher lurking in the dark while only exposing half his body in the door opening and staring at the students with dead eyes lmfao 😭

    Thank you for the chapter! 🌺💗