Everyone Knows I'm a Good PersonChapter 52.1


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    • well, it’s not a lie that they’ve bullied and robbed from countless students before

      it just so happens that this time someone’s come to deliver retribution

    • You are too soft hearted and would be stabbed in the back in these kind of schools. The gangsters did a lot of bad stuff. You wouldn’t be saying this if they were the ones who robbed you. Don’t forget that they were going to robbed ML too, until they find out what school ML goes to. Harden your heart, it’s really worrying how you took side with the delinquents 😕

    • Are you delinquent yourself. I mean why dislike ml. If you dislike ml you also have to dislike mc too after all he isn’t completely innocent. And to be clear those guys are delinquent and deserve it. They have done wrong to others for so long and have been unpunished so in this case their luck just ran out. If they weren’t delinquents it would have been impossible for ml to use them in his ploy. And the reason he used them in the first place was because the day mc was bragging about saving the FL he spewed out information thus making ml certain they were indeed delinquents.

    • But picking up money that was lost when you know who the owner is also stealing. So while the ml did lie and slandered them (wc is also not a very good thing to do), the delinquents were also not innocent.

    • To think that u feel bad for the delinquents who obviously do bad things, i guess robbing other students is not a bad thing for u? i guess you’re similar to them then? U gave me a goosebumps

  1. pjajajaa como el director y los padres se pusienron cuando los vieron estudiando a los delicuentes

    Los padres miraron a Zhuo Junli, luego a sus hijos.

    Miraron a sus hijos y luego a Zhuo Junli.

    jajjajajajajajajajajajajjajajajaja me muero de a risa adoro esta novela


  2. LMAOO they are so great cornering them like that 😂😂

  3. Shi Qing and Zhou Junli are really a might foe when they bounce off one another! 😂

    Thanks for the chapter! 💕

  4. Lol collected bad students like they were pokemon. Love the interaction between Shi Qing and Zhuo Junli, they are good combination! (≧▽≦)

    Thank you for the chapter!

  5. Oh, this chapter is great! Collecting pokemon…😂😂😂 And how ZJL knows how to act because he knows how he looks for others — Ah i LOVE this SO MUCH 😂❤🤣🤣

  6. Mc is in the God level when it comes to being shameless and having strong hard to regute logic

  7. Ahh, at the end there my brain started singing:

    ”Look at you, now look at me,

    Look at you, now look at me,

    How you like that?”


  8. They are a shameless pair, hahaha. But they’re pitting a bunch of delinquents sooooo they’re making a community service. 🤣

    Thanks for the chapter!

  9. wkwkwkwkwk

    Thank you for the chapter! 😘

  10. Lol the couple is hilarious and shameless.

    I pity the delinquents but this should give them a lesson and hopefully change for the better.

    Thanks for the chapter

  11. Um, what’s the update schedule? This ‘cute little’ meimei just got here.

  12. This kid’s so timid he thinks everyone else is timid too.

    LMFAO. Teacher, this kid isn’t timid at all. Shi Qing can confirm…

  13. Not planning to start a fight with anyone but that one comment saying they’re lowkey dislliking ML because of what he did to the delinquents is making me want to laugh due to its irony. I imagine you being one of those who do nothing whenever they see a crime being blatantly done in the open. Like, you witness one of your classmates being bullied and you just stand there to watch. And then maybe you’d feel bad once you see those bullies getting their retribution. How ironic. Let me tell you something. You’re not any worse than these people committing the crime.

  14. This scene is so so funny! 🤣

    Imagine it was put into animation/action! 🤭

    Oh well, even the supposedly innocent, pure white lotus is actually a scheming person… 😏