Escape the Infinite ChambersCh70 - Escaping from Burial Grounds (I)


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Translator's Note

Use his butt to lead the way: The author meant it literally. Because usually one would move forward with their head facing the front, but in this case, he can’t so he used his butt to ‘lead the way’. 

Translator's Note

cut into a thousand slices (凌迟, ling chi): Death by a thousand cuts. One of the cruelest punishments in ancient China. Some of you might have heard of this before in historical novels. It’s a form of capital punishment for criminals who were deemed to have committed capital offences by emperors. In this case, the author is trying to express that his heart is cut into a thousand slices.

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  1. Aaaah LJ gahd so close.. I blame Xing Yan for taking all of his belongings.. his pocket dimension would’ve been so convenient during all of this hahaha

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

    • Indeed. I was wondering why did he took the mirror??? Is he afraid that someone got to Luo Jian before he wake up and took the mirror? After all, author did said he did something for Luo Jian to appear as dead but it seems the same can’t be done to belonging (as seen from his creative way of hiding the flashlight).

    • omg! please take care! i hope you’re ok!

      I’ll put a warning at the start of the chapter to warn people that this chapter may trigger claustrophobia related problems

      • Thank you ☺️. I had someone talk me through it. It will be good to put a warning for anyone else who might have the same problem ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

  2. This was supposed to be the last chapter before I go to bed but it’s just too thrilling 😂 Watch me stay awake for another 2 hours when I actually have school tomorrow

  3. The longer I read, the more I understand the appeal of decisive OP MC that do the thinking after they finished whatever task at hand lol. Luo Jian monologue of going forward or backward, looking back at the bones, looking back at the fire AND THEN only he move forward irritates me to no end 😅. 5 metres and he can see the fire, he still had time to be dazed and dawdle around lol.