Escape the Infinite ChambersCh166 - The Corridor of Time (XXII)


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Translator's Note

Doraemon’s Anywhere door (dokodemo door):  Dokodemo door is a door that you place in front of you, and think of anywhere that you want to go.

Translator's Note

Buy soy sauce (打酱油): lol, this phrase was like a meme-like phrase because a passerby who was interviewed refused to be interviewed by a TV reporter. He said, “I was just passing by here to buy soy sauce.” It means that it’s none of his business: he’s just here to do his shit and leave. 

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  1. wrap around him like an octopus, the more you can hold, the better LMAO oh so he did join in the end

    thank you for updating and welcome back!!!!

  2. Haha ei you’re now interested LJ? Hehe I really missed them huhu

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ happy holidays!!!~ 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

  3. I suddenly have a very bold idea .

    I think Luo Jian is that strongest stalker that will kill the current Xing Yan later . Maybe the Secret Chamber will give him that task and since Luo Jian has a deal with the Secret Chamber , I think he will do it .

    This is just my guess though 😗

  4. I wonder why LJ stuck to this team. Could it be he wanted to witness the moment Xing Yan died? Lol such dark thought. But Duan Li never talk about a child and he said the team is 4 men and 1 woman. So definitely LJ had time leaped to another place at the time Ghost Shadow meet their doom. Oh probably just missed XY too much?