Escape the Infinite ChambersCh165 - The Corridor of Time (XXI)


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Translator's Note

Kitty: Boy has his priorities

Translator's Note

In the RAWs, the author used ‘smell’ and ‘taste’ synonymously.

Translator's Note

Gu: Gu or jincan was a venom-based poison associated with the cultures of south China, particularly Nanyue. The traditional preparation of Gu poison involved sealing several venomous creatures inside a closed container, where they devoured one another and allegedly concentrated their toxins into a single survivor. (Cr: wiki)

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  1. Awww no snusnu moment haha but deym imagine if Ying really did that hahaha.. it would be bloody and chaotic but I would enjoy it xD

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻 It’s ok~ Fighting!

    • thanks for reading!

      unfortunately, there wouldn’t be snusnu already T.T because of jj’s censorship. the author had quite a number of chapters locked because of snusnu 😢

      hahah yeah! if only ying could do that!!

      • Awwwwww.. our snusnu ;v;)/ I’ll just relieve the memories hahahuhu.. We need LJ to open the opportunity hahaha.. eiii take care and enjoy your break :3

  2. oh ho is XY going to be beaten into a pulp by LJ? but ah, that’s understandable not liking the original

    thank u for the update and i hope you take care!!

  3. Read and then (┳Д┳)

    Luo Jian arr……………………………..

    Appreciate your translation. Rest well on those 2 weeks!

  4. This made me inexplicably sentimental and nostalgic, but I’m glad we finally got to see Xing Yan, the drought is over ahah

  5. Ohooo LJ is so OP! Imagine him whining that he can’t even have a happy play time anymore😅 PLAYTIME a’right