Escape the Infinite ChambersCh167 - Ancient Remains (I)


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Translator's Note

Some context regarding the title: it may sound confusing because it’s called ancient remains. But the secrert chamber they were sent into is called ancient space remains. The concept of time in EIC is very important and may be a little confusing. But to not spoil everyone while clarifying-I must say that this ancient refers to ancient for the secret chamber and not for the players. And since this chamber is taking place in space…I think all of you should have had some idea of what will be taking place……

Translator's Note

They: since it was not explicitly stated whether the person is male or female, I decided to use this for now. Though, it was mostly revealed that there were 4 males and 1 female including Duan Li in Xing Yan’s team in past chapters, but I think since the author kept it gender neutral, it shall be kept this way until their gender is revealed.

*Credits to Kitty for this. Initially I was wondering to use he/she, but she helped me changed it to ‘they’, which made more sense for genderfluidity.

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  1. LJ taking full advantage of his size i see 😂 oh??? so the wolf WAS a part of XY!!! i wonder how ying found that out??? :0

    thank u for the update, and again, take your time to rest when possible and don’t push yourself too hard!

  2. AAAAAAHHH MY LONG AWAITED CUDDLES aaaahhh my parched throat welcomed it greatly hehe.. so the wolf is really Xing Yan ❤️❤️ yiiiii I’m quite happy that player XY is the same with the stalker XY and LJ got the dibs and authorization of biting him~ haha I’m full ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Love across time and space indeed ❤️ (and deym I just knew that it was XY’s knife who let LJ escaped huhu)

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!!~ 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻 Get well the soonest~ 😘😘😘

  3. Maybe the reason for why Xin Yan, as a stalker, saves LJ in the future is because he also felt this sense of familiarity and the ultimate believe to protect someone? Since we now know they share the same soul and XY practically already met LJ in the past I think it would make sense but (╥﹏╥) What do I know

    • Anyways, this chapter is just too cute! It just made me realize how much cute scenes we were actually lacking (expect for the chapters with Ah Lan and Duan Li)

  4. So it went back to my very first initial guess 😅. The souls are just hostages to be put here or there! I thought since it is capable to let LJ cross time and space even in reality, it truly can wipe out souls and let new soul be born in the infinite space. But it seems its internal space had really be modified by Ying into that of a game. The souls trapped and can be spawned, just the program get to decide what it will be spawned into. And too powerful soul will be hunted and reformatted as a self-protection program by TR System, thus become obedient to it. I wonder if what happened to Xing Yan currently (splitting his souls and authority to break from total reformatting) had something to do with kiddo LJ. After all now kiddo LJ recognised Xing Yan as the same soul with Stalker Xing Yan. Maybe he left mark or suggestion to Xing Yan? Or maybe he even warned him somehow?