Escape the Infinite ChambersCh163 - The Corridor of Time (XIX)


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Translator's Note

I will hit the high road, while he will cross his log bridge (idiom): You go your way, and I’ll go my way. 

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  1. 🙁 Duan Li.. T.T and I wonder which man-eating monster is it.. tho LJ’s name rn– Abyss is like a monster’s name ..

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!!~ 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

  2. When he said when his body died I wonder if he meant his original body? Because it kind of seemed like he wanted to leave DL a way out…

      • Hihi ~Luo Jian is referring to his current body (aka Abyss). If he happens to be wiped out by the secret chamber, then DL would remember the transaction between Luo Jian & the secret chamber’s will.

        Luo Jian’s true body is dead, but his soul isn’t.

        They wouldn’t remember LJ now, because, at this time, DL and FYL have never met LJ. I think the concept of time is not like a straight line ^^, especially in the secret chamber. LJ is now in the past.

        Hopes this answer your questions :>

        • OMG is it a foreshadowing that maybe LJ will really die in the end? And DL will be the one to complete LJ’s “mission”?? Hope not ToT

          • I guess I am too optimistic because I thought it foreshadowed they will win and secret chamber will be obliterated. Either LJ reborn or went into darkness with dark soul Xing Yan.. meaning Abyss died. Thus the living Duan Li will remember everything. Both couples got happy ending but in two different worlds 😅.