Escape the Infinite ChambersCh150 - The Corridor of Time (VI)


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Translator's Note

Yin energy: Refers to the ‘yin’ in yin & yang! Yin energy is something ghosts and spirits are more inclined towards and would have. So when LJ took his lamp for a stroll when he met little LJ in the forest, he accidentally ‘powered up’ his lamp. :3

Translator's Note

HP: Health Points. The author uses the word ‘recovery’ instead, but recovery makes less sense here… so I used HP.

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  1. Please stay like this always Hong T.T pleaaath

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻🙇🏻

  2. can’t clowns retain this trait in the future 🙁 oh my gosh I’m really curious what changed it. btw thanks for the translation!

  3. Can anyone tell me if I can skip this arc or is this an important one? I just want to read when he come back, if at all. And if he even get his body back.. this new Kuo Jian didn’t feel like Luo Jian at all to me, personality and even body changed..

  4. 16 year old clown might be my new fav character,,,,,,,,too pitiful he chambers made him lose his innocent self

  5. I wonder if Clown lost someone special to him, like little sister or brother. His behaviour towards Luo Jian definitely like an overly doting and sticky big brother. Maybe that and added with how the chamber turned people to be much jaded over time…. a pity to lost such innocence soul.