Escape the Infinite ChambersCh146 - The Corridor of Time (II)


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  1. that sounds so difficult to coordinate and time it just right… i wonder where he’ll pop up next

    thank u for the update!

  2. Thaaank you for the chaaaaapteeerss!! 💕

    Ooohhh myyyyy gooooood some of my tinfoil hat conspiracies from so long ago were right! Red umbrella boi was LJ, it had some relations to when LJ was younger along with Specter! I had initially thought something happened for Specter to have been wooshed away and I was nervous reading the bit where new!LJ said he shouldn’t be touched by Specter touched him anyway; I was worried that would trigger the chamber to kidnap Specter ;o;

    But somehow I wasn’t expecting a time-travel genre to this novel :0 the chapter where Ying explained the chamber’s origins were like “whoa suddenly sci-fi genre!” hahhahah

    Hmmm what else, what else. Ah the wolf was sus as heck but I’m torn between thinking it’s XY and feeling like it’s way too coincidental? Heck. Is XY maybe not human originally and evolved from the wolf? That would explain his obsession with LJ, even though the initial chapter said it was due to the surprise kiss.

    Ermagad ok so is this why umbrella kid in the team match chamber was so adamant about not losing the match? Aaaahh time-travel stuff makes my head spin, and this story has a lot more elements to it that almost literally anything can happen and be explained somehow :’D

    Thanks again!

  3. What will hubby think when he meets his boyfriend in child form? He has to wait for him to grow up again 🤣🤣🤣

  4. Why has no one mentioned the missing snake 😭😭 it hasn’t been mentioned since it sucked the poison out of them in the very beginning of like two entire arcs ago lol…. It was always around his wrist but just has been gone ever since 🧐🐍🔍