Escape the Infinite ChambersCh145 - The Corridor of Time (I)


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Translator's Note

The saying came from Lu Xun, a Chinese writer, poet, and literary critic. He did not know how a positive society would be formed, and he felt that society back then was relatively dark. He used the road as an example to describe how one could turn his dreams into reality of forming an imaginary society. He emphasized that to form a good society, everyone must work hard in it. 

Translator's Note

huggy – since little LJ talked in a child-like manner, this ‘huggy’ naturally means hug. 

Translator's Note

Yang: refers to the ‘yang’ in ‘yin & yang’. In Chinese cultures/mythology, males are usually filled with more yang energy while females more with yin.

My mom had once said it’s because of menstruation though??? (This remains questionable.)

Yin energy attracts more spiritual things because spiritual beings are filled with Yin energy.

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