Escape the Infinite ChambersCh138 - Crimson Asura Realm (VII)


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  1. Man good luck to Luo Jian if he decides to fight his way to escape, but I doubt he’s gonna do that anyways. I imagine he’ll either meet his husband or meet the strongest man anyways and get out because he has the mark and the dude knows he’s Xiao Yang’s wife.

    Thank you for translating!!!❤💕💋😍❤

  2. Even though LJ has amnesia, his body still remembers the friends he left behind TvT)/ such a loyal baobei huhu Go LJ!!!!

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  3. Он попал сюда после того, как свалился с дерева. В то время соперник как раз пересёк дверь. Собственно тогда цикл идти и начался. Может герою просто нужно завершить цикл и снова упасть с дерева?

  4. I‘m only reading this but I can feel the Crimson colour of the realm piercing my eyeballs lmaoooo. It seems like a very dry place.

  5. In one way this place seems like Hell but there is hope here. It is Purgatory with a path forward that ironically is training these people to be able to fight the system.

    This feels more like a hard-core training ground for a revolution than an endless battleground in Hell.

  6. Definitely Ying.. so Ying is an old man? Why did I thought Ying is the same handsome man as Zing Yan?? 🤔

    I wonder how LJ gonna proceed. He forgot about his disguiser ability.. will he fight them all and become more battle aware like that kiddo? Or will he learnt to make his presence weak from this battlefield? Hmm