Escape the Infinite ChambersCh132 - Crimson Asura Realm (I)


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  1. My first though actually “did Luo Jian reborn as Plant or grass? ” maybe he really not become human?

    Thanks for the chapter

  2. Is he in a different dimension or a parallel world? Aaaaah the scattered hints omg I can’t get my mind to think but I got some theories but I’m too lazy to type hahahaha but either way.. umbrella boi does something again huh~

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  3. Would he be maybe in the chamber where the secret chambers couldn’t control the stalkers?like the arena thing (i forgot the name) where Ying and XY talked about XY’s love problems? Thanks for the chappie💓

  4. Idk why I’m having this strange unexplainable conjecture that they are the Ghost team. it doesnt make much sense though

  5. Wait… so the god is the kid??? Or the god is someone that had experienced being freely tranversing universe and worlds.. thus he is that HE that the kid said? Since the kid is also like HIM but the kid had purpose unlike HIM, HE is a threat to the kid? Don’t tell me the god of this damned secret chamber is Ying 🤣🤣. Help me, I still can’t forget that guy and keep wondering his role lol. Chapter titled Crimson Asure Realm.. isn’t this what chamber deem as garbage disposal? And the home of Xing Yan? Will JianJian find Xing Yan or Xing Yan still stuck in the loop train?