Escape the Infinite ChambersCh131 - Escaping from Arcanum Train (XXIV)


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Translator's Note

Run crazily: akin to a protagonist of a TV drama, when something devastating has happened, LJ needs to run to vent out his emotions~

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  1. Uuwaaaaahhh so he’s been looping for such a long time.. hmmmm.. the little boy’s intention i think is to get back to this chamber– now I’m excited to know what will happen~ yeeeeeet

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. ohhh??? what will the boy do? now it really feels like the little boy is a luo jian… i wonder where luo jian is heading too also…

    thank you for the update 😭😭😭♥♥♥

  3. I’m late to the party and just binged a handful of chapters in one go haha. Thank you for the translation!! 💕

    That was a beaaaauuutiful arc! The loop reveal was really marvelous chef kiss this is definitely my fav arc so far. I love plot twists that make you recall previous chapters and just get all :O!! with hindsight lolol

    Umbrella boi ☂️ has appeeaaared! I wonder if his appearance here is related to why he said he can’t lose the team battle. …is he also trying to break a loop by sending LJ’s team to the punishment chamber—ok nvm I’m going too far down the rabbit hole with my tin foil hat now

    In chapter 104; umbrella boi put the stud earring on Ah Lan and said not to lose it no matter what happens. And also that the punishment chamber is one where ‘no one survives’; “until now, no one has come out victorious from that chamber”

    ^ I was thinking how convenient it was that LJ had a stalker bf with the power of space to let him out, but that was a wrong line of thought it seems? If XY and LJ didn’t have that bond, LJ’s team would be like a normal team, forever trapped in the punishment chamber and doomed to repeat it endlessly ;A;

    Team battles sound scarier now that we’ve seen what a punishment chamber is like. Won’t there always be a losing team? 😭 it’s a perma death chamber, rather than just punishment. tip of the day: if you’re trapped in EIC, get yourself a stalker bf (hahahahha jk…maybe 🤔)

    If the loop didn’t break, I wonder what was up with that dead owl body in the 13th carriage. Maybe just a prop but idkkkk

    Ah and since we know the animal corpses hint at the actual player’s death…wow I feel so bad for two-headed snake, he must’ve gotten eaten by the skinny hungry monster and was left in pieces ;-; and it just hit me that he never made it out of the carriage he was found in 🤧

    Looking forward to more reveals in the following chapters~

  4. OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!

    Where is everybody????? This novel, this arc need more hype!!! Thank you for the chapter!

  5. Such a long time… I wanna hug him so bad. I feel so bad for hating the boy but I really had a hunch I’ll regret hating him so badly. Thank you for TL-ing this omf

  6. Aaaahhh holyyy this is getting more and more and more and more interesting lmao thanks for the chappie!!💞💞

  7. I was close to curse Ah Lan when he took off the black ear stude because the kid said to never ever took it off 😆. But when the kid materialised I was like, oh so that is it! I got it now. So this is where the timeline of Luo Jian getting separated from his teammates happened? Then Luo Jian went into quest and somehow become the kid and found a way to help his teammates by letting himself thrown into space again so the kid can come? Wait, isn’t that a loop again in itself? Unless this is the first timeline and the kid comes from another timeline then it isn’t a circle. But if he is a future of the same timeline…. that is a freaking ouroboros again! Time paradox is always a confusing subject for me and honestly not in line with my taste. I am a bit disappointed the story went into this, but should have known better since the ouroboros mark appear first lol.