Escape the Infinite ChambersCh126 - Escaping from Arcanum Train (XIX)


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  1. Omg! I was sorta guessing that Black Cat was Xing Yan, but i totally didn’t expect Crow to be the murderer!

  2. omfg so it IS crow!! now that I think about it, it was mentioned at the beg of the arc that the murderer was among crow and owl at first…

    what will xing yan do…….

    thank u for the update!

  3. So Crow is the murderer. I got to say, did not expect that. Though with the rules of the secret chamber, players are sometimes given roles. I think in this case, Luo Jian got the role of either the disguised or the murderer. Meanwhile, Xing Yan should still be a stalker, so he cant be apart of the team, so maybe there are 2 murderers? Idk this is just speculation.

    Thank you for translating!!! 🥰💕❤💖😍

  4. Awwww wolfiee TvT)/ hoho and a dark Crow appeared!~

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!! ~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  5. actually, i already suspected that it will be crow because first, the paper said that don’t trust even yourself, second it looks like he was the one who killed the another ah lan in the 13th carriage, and last i remember the child with the red umbrella (which i guess to be 99% LJ of the future) controlling clown who was also a walking corpse like owl :))

  6. …. Well. I guess my hunch was right….🤣😂. Afterall, but i wasnt confident as much since was thinking “LJ cant be the murderer… Right? Cause he’s LJ… But the first clue hinted and cant be refuted. Ah Lan held the broken necklace leaving the faint red mark. But its LJ…”

    My thoughts kept going back and forth on those two pointa 😂🤣

  7. So Crow is and isn’t the murder 😅 Wasn’t expecting that! So is the god of death a chamber entity that is controlling Crow or maybe his subconscious? 🤔🧐

  8. Welp i suspected it’s either LJ or XY. And there are a few hints hinting towards LJ so i’m not really surprised

  9. I knew Crow was going to survive because it followed the order of death of the animals (cat<wolf<owl) but I never thought he would kill someone

    thank you for the chapter!

  10. Yeah, I did.

    So far, The chambers wills never lied. On the no 13 train, it was mentioned that one of them is the killer, the corpse was Ah Lan’s, then there’s the black cross necklace owned by Luo Juan, he should never trust himself.

    Perhaps the strange smell hypnotized him to murder Ah Juan while he fell asleep without the music sound.

    To kill your BF without knowing it.


  11. Yeah Crow was pretty sus all along. This is just a speculation, but I’m guessing they all did this in separate spaces and were all the murderer.

  12. “Plot twist: crowl is actually the murderer but doesn’t remember it 🤣🤣” I curse my past self _(´ཀ`」 ∠) _ But who knows, I don’t think that’s it. Maybe some kind of split personality? Someone possessing him? I can’t accept this pls

  13. I did see that coming. Just look at the previous arc…boy with umbrella was himself who was even targeting himself.

  14. Lol I was sure that Crow is the murderer when Ah Lan said so in carriage #13. But I was baffled why he is said as murderer. Until he killed Crow in carriage #7, I am sure, Crow is indeed a murderer and he had kinda like DID. I thought the DID appear when he is asleep but here it seems it comes out when he is under pressure. Maybe right before he killed Ah Lan, Crow is asleep and about to die so he sprang up. Here with Wolf, he is cornered and pressured and I guess the setting is that, the nearer the murderer is with the winning line, the more dominant the murderer identity in his self is. I wonder how Xing Yan going to tackle Crow because freaking Xing Yan seems so passive and unlike himself (except the lustful part of him) 🤣.