Escape the Infinite ChambersCh125 - Escaping from Arcanum Train (XVIII)


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Translator's Note

Dish deity: (die xian, 碟仙) Some of you here who like to read horror novels might be familiar with this. It’s like a Chinese version of an Ouija board except the ‘one’ who answers your questions is the ‘dish deity’… maybe. It can be referred to by the name or the deity that answers your questions. Apparently, it’s a game that Chinese university students like to partake in. 

Translator's Note

Love flowers: (Jimsonweed/Devil’s snare): It’s other common names in Chinese is 情花 (love flowers). Everyone started calling the Devil’s snare ‘love flowers’ in Chinese because of Jin Yong’s (Louis Cha) novel, The Return of the Condor Heroes… because when the flowers bear fruit, the fruit is sour, sweet, bitter, or tasteless. The flower thorns are also highly toxic. And the poison is known as love poison flower. Therefore, the name ‘love flower.’ The novel is a very, very famous Chinese wuxia novel that has been adapted to many TV dramas and movies.  

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  1. Aaaahhhhh.. was it on Owl’s? D: deym then hahaha hmm.. maybe Crow is the murderer(lol no harm in guessing anyway haha)? Poor Wolf never knew what his feeling.. (we do know though) aaawwwww and Black Cat.. ever so attentive to our Crow despite everything.. eiii and most of the animals had corpses except for Crow right?

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!! ~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. Duan Li… will die due to heartbreak? Like the grey wolf…

    My guess

    1) there’s someone else in the carriage with them. They used a silver dagger… unless im wrong( which i might be) luo jian’s and xin yang’s dagger is black with rose??? Motif?? Idk i have to reread the novel. This could be the elusive 5th member… (plus what about that scissor owl found in the first carriage?????)

    2) Luo Jian is the killer. The wolf dies after the murderer tells him and… judging by how this novel is going…. not to mention we’ve seen the ways the other members would die…

    3) two-headed snake is the killer… i mean… we havent seen a snake corpse… and… the circumstances by which they died is….

    But Xing Yan!!!! You’re awfully quiet!!!!!

  3. It is said that the murderer told the wolf a secret and the wolf committed suicide…. Maybe the reason why the human wolf feeling stuffy is because of the death of owl which is in his heart. And the key was in the heart of of the animal wolf

    • The murderer told the wolf a secret… definitely Crow telling this tattoo situation. I forgot, what is the hint about the black cat?? I felt the need to reread but lazy due to forgetting which chapter 😅.

  4. Stalker is probably the murderer. The chamber said something like the murderer loves to kill or something. Xing Yan’s a stalker and stalker exists to kill, and they’re under the chamber’s control. Plus, why is Xing Yan even here when he’s not a part of Luo Jian’s team?

  5. This punishment chamber seems to be reflective of how they will act in the regular ones moving forward, or how they have reacted before. The groups is made up of 5 – 2 couples and a lone guy. First they leave Specter behind, then “the weakest one” FYL dies, then his lover who didn’t save him can’t stand the pain and dies too. What we are yet to find out is who will be the ultimate winner of this group? The stalker who is so hung up or Luo Jian who is quite weak but also very cunning. Maybe Luo Jian deceived everyone and especially the stalker from the very beggining. Everything that happened was his due to his intention.
  6. So in carriage #5 Wolf going to die, #4 safe, #3 Black Cat, #2 safe, #1 ….. dudududunn! Really wonder whether Crow realised he is the murderer already or not. I wonder how this arc going to conclude.