Escape the Infinite ChambersCh127 - Escaping from Arcanum Train (XX)


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  1. So I feel like Crow is going to try to kill Black Cat at least once more but then sooner or later one of them will escape, finishing the room.

    Thank you for translating!!!😍💖💕🥰❤

  2. oh damn, crow… i wonder what the two of them will do by the end of the train?? i’m so curious alkfdjgl i just want all of them to live 🙁

    thank you for the update!!

  3. +1 for wolf hahaha deym that sexy time between them– lol Crow had split personality ei is it perhaps the doing of that little boy?

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!! ~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  4. would be a huge plotwist if the next dead animal would be a crow, so crow was dead all the way

    thank you for the Chapter!

  5. Crow is the darkest, innermost personality of LJ. Remember that it was said that when you forgot all your memory your subconscious will show the real you. LJ maybe a good and passionate boy but deep within he is ruthless and could be unrestrained, given the fact that his weapon is a knife. The chamber gives the player the most suitable weapon for them according to their personality.

  6. I feel like this is an exact replica of how LJ felt when he met XY with how he felt he was dangerous but yet wasn’t 100% afraid of him

  7. Oh I remember Ah Lan said the slahsing wound on the black cat look likes it was done by a beast! So how will Xing Yan die? Crow can really morphed into a beast?? Xing Yan will definitely die in carriage #3 and #2 going to foretell us if Crow can successfully contain the beast. #1 will be where the truth unfold.. right??

    Poor Luo Feng.