Escape the Infinite ChambersCh114 - Escaping from Arcanum Train (VII)


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  1. Huehue he really is Duan Li.. is Owl Specter then? Uuuuhhhh and Ah Lan will be on the next cart? Pretty sure the murderer is the stalker and.. *sigh I kennot.. I give up lol

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. now i’m more sure that he’s xing yan LMAO that scorching gaze

    i wonder what not staining the glass means… thank you for the update!

  3. I do think that Owl is Ah Lan; there was that scene in previous chapter where Wolf (holding the broom) fought Black Cat (holding iron rods) and Owl felt a phantom pain “as if someone had used an iron bar to hit him”. I had the thought that Owl felt this because Black Cat had hit Wolf; because of that bond Duan Li forced between him and Ah Lan earlier in the story 🧐

    The Owl look-alike body in that bag could be something related to how Ah Lan had his 2nd self (his weapon). Heck, I wonder if the dead one is Ah Lan and Owl is the magic book @-@;;

    Crow seems very likely to be Luo Jian. The black cross necklace was recently given to him by the Vampire enemy, but I wonder what happened to his other older necklace? I guess since it’s part of a player’s skill/prop, the chamber removed it. But the dead body held the black one still…hmmm…curious…

    Black Cat is also likely to be Xing Yan. There was a mention about how his eye colour was the only “not beautiful” part of his eyes. Maybe Luo Jian subconsciously felt the dark grey eyes weren’t as gorgeous as the red eyes he’s used to :’D

    Specter hasnt shown up yet hmmm. If they meet him in next carriage, then would the “killer” hint be referring to Xing Yan since he’s a stalker and uh, kills players?? hahaha

    I wonder why the umbrella kid was hell bent on not wanting to do the punishment chamber. I initially thought it’s just because he didn’t wanna lose, but sometimes I feel like there’s a deeper reason on why he can’t do a punishment chamber.

    I’m totally over-thinking everything now, I’ve got my tin-foil hat on!! XD

    Ah man, I’m really loving this mystery-horror vibe going on! Especially since it’s happening on a moving train, it reminds me a lot of Agatha Christie’s book Murder on the Orient Express (it was a super awesome read)

    Thank you so much for the translation!

    • Thank you so much for reading!

      Great analysis on this arc! ^^

      You’ll find out about the umbrella kid soon ~ (at the end of the arc and next arc.)You’re really not overthinking though, don’t worry. :3

      Yes, I really love this arc as well because I was reminded of the same book as you are. I wonder if the author was inspired by that book, too. If she was, she didn’t mention it. But I love enclosed carriage/room mysteries as well so this arc seems quite interesting to me. I’m really glad you pointed the book out as well!

    • I think the reason black cross pendant appear should be it is some kind of life saving prop that isn’t considered skill/weapon? The usage of that pendant is still mystery after all. I agree with all your guesses! I just don’t understand why Xing Yan is also thrown in there 😂.

  4. Ah where is Spektor? I thought he was Wolf because his scars wasn’t mentioned in the previous chapter.

    It’s funny how Xing Tan still Stalks Luo Jian

  5. It’s either XY since he’s a stalker or Ah Lan since he has like a freezing temperature that humans don’t have…