Escape the Infinite ChambersCh115 - Escaping from Arcanum Train (VIII)


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Translator's Note

Light sense (medical term): the ability to perceive variations in the degree of light or brightness.

Translator's Note

Fist and legs would have no eyes: when one fought, they wouldn’t pay attention to their surroundings and may accidentally hurt others/someone. 

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  1. Even without the memories LJ and XY’s chemistry is still apparent ❤️❤️❤️ hahaha aiyaaa please don’t fight D:

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ 🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇🙇

  2. i wonder if any blood between wolf and black cat’s fight got anywhere prior to this… rip owl tho LOL someone patch him up please 😱

  3. Hmm Owl could be Spector because Ah Language is to weak to match Duan Like but I don’t remember him being small

    • Maybe the chamber made Duan weakened as a punishment and owl is not Ah Lan it is his shadow that his grimoire created. And perhaps it is the reason why wolf felt that owl is a dead because in the first place the shadow was created through the deepest and evilest of Ah Lan with the magic of grimoire

  4. What will they do if the current Owl later drop dead in carriage let say 1 and said to take the dead Owl in carriage 13 because he will wake up there 😂😂. The carriages are locked back after they moved forwar.